5 Tips for Getting a Great Night’s Sleep

5 Tips for Getting a Great Night’s Sleep

How many times have you woken up in the morning and felt as though you’ve not had a wink of sleep? If the answer to that is too many to count, your energy and productivity levels will suffer as a result. Getting through the day can feel like a chore when your body is running on fumes. So, if you’re struggling to get enough sleep, here are five useful tips that can help.

Create a Routine

If you’re going to bed and awakening at different times, your body clock will suffer. This can have a huge effect on your sleep quality. While you may love nothing more than to lie in on a weekend, when it comes to Sunday night and work the following morning, you could spend most of your time tossing and turning. Creating a sleeping routine will adjust your body clock, improve mental sharpness, and let your body know when it’s time for rest.

Change Your Mattress

There are many reasons why people change their mattresses. Comfort should be your top priority. So, if your mattress has seen better days and it’s starting to sag and create lumps and dips, you may struggle to drift off. An uncomfortable mattress can prove damaging to your health and wellbeing. So, if you sleep on your side, you need to purchase the best mattress for a side sleeper. According to research, a new mattress can not only boost sleep quality but reduce stress levels too.

Avoid Naps

After a long and tiring day at work, you may want nothing more than to walk through the front door and have a nap. While there are some health benefits you can gain from napping, when it comes to bedtime, you may have difficulty switching off. The longer you nap for, the groggier you will feel. Even a short nap can interfere with bedtime. So, it’s advised to avoid them altogether if you can. If you come home feeling exhausted, there are other things you can do to relax and unwind, such as by running a hot bath.

Eliminate Distractions

If you’re the type of person who surfs through their smartphone in bed, the blue light that emits from the screen may be doing you more harm than good. Many people suffer poor sleep due to using their tablet or smartphone before hitting the hay. Eliminating distractions from your bedroom and placing devices in hard to reach, out of sight areas will promote sleep and give your body the time it needs to relax, unwind, and repair itself. If you have a television in your bedroom, it may be time to remove it if it’s affecting your sleep.

Reduce Stress

A mind filled with anxious thoughts can be harmful when bedtime arrives. Whether you’re stressed with work, going through relationship problems, or have had a hard day with the kids, you need to have time for yourself before climbing into bed to reduce stress levels. Meditation can be a great way to escape the daily stresses of life, helping to lower blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and tension. Once you begin practicing relaxation techniques, you should notice an improvement in how well you sleep. Many people also swear by yoga, which can improve your ability to fall asleep.

Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to enjoying good physical and mental health. Whether you have trouble drifting off, or you find yourself waking up frequently throughout the night, putting all the tips above into practice can aid sleep and help you arise feeling full of energy and ready for the day ahead.

Last Updated: 18th Oct, 2020


Oğuz Tokatlı

Oğuz Tokatlı

Co-Founder, Editor, Content Creator, and Full Stack Web Developer of ReviewsByPeople.com. I am here to provide you the best content.


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