How to Clean Speakers: Step by Step Guide

How to Clean Speakers: Step by Step Guide

I have a soft spot for electronics and machines. I love them and I get excited whenever opening up a new gift and see one. When I open the newly packed speakers 6 months ago, it was beautiful and sparkling. The shades were attractive and I was so head over heel for it.

Now I see no glam in them and I think it’s high time I do some cleanup and maintenance to see if the old vibe comes back. With gradual and thoroughly clean up, it was possible. So I wanted to share my method with you guys. Today, let’s know how to clean speakers. I’ll keep it short and simple!

The things you’ll need

There are a few things you need to grab for a proper clean up. You can easily garb these form a home improvement store or simply from your kitchen. These are really available anywhere and you can even order some online. You are going to need:

  • Two soft microfiber fabric
  • Lint roller
  • Air Can
  • Lukewarm water

How to Clean Speakers (Step By Step)

Before you jump right into the clean-up process be sure of a few things. You should not use any harsh type of cleaner to do the task. These materials are really harmful to both electronics and cases. So you should get this stuff out of the way. Another thing is, make sure the switches are turned off. Don’t leave them off since this might bring a disaster. Now let’s begin the clean-up.

  1. Get the air can. Use it to blow off the dirt that resides outside the case. Also, use it to blow and clean the inside of the case. This will prep up the whole speaker for thorough cleaning. Make sure you blow off any excess dirt.
  2. Now you need the fabric and some warm water. Use the cloth and dump it into the water. You should not overdo it. It should not drip. If it does the too wetness can harm the speaker. So you will want to get slight dampness on the cloth to proceed.
  3. Next, use the cloth to wipe the speaker’s areas. You should gently pressure and rub to clean the outside as well as the inside of the speaker. Make sure you reach every possible are to clean it thoroughly.
  4. Now you will need a dry cloth. Use it to go back over the similar areas where you have used the damp cloth. You should use gentle pressure and wipe away any extra water remaining in those areas.
  5. You will need the lint roller to clean any dirt or grime in the grill area. There might be substances like pet hair and so. Please make sure you reach them and clean it down.
  6. You should always give the speakers some time to get dry. There will be a need for a little time since it’s not too damp. It’s better to be safe than be sorry later. So makes sure you give this step importance.

How to clean speakers grills

In most of the speaker design, the grill is located in the front of your machine. These are basically made of various materials such as plastic, metal, and even fabric. So you should be careful enough to clean the area depending on the appropriate material of your grill.

When you have a fabric grill in your speaker, you should eliminate any grime by lying it down on the floor. Next, you’ll need a vacuum cleaner that comes with a grime attachment. Use it to gently get rid of any dirt and replace the grill.

While with other materials like plastic and metal, you should get an appropriate cleaner designed for such a task. Use it or simply go with soap or water formula. Just be sure to dry them off perfectly after you are done with the cleaning.

How to clean speakers cones

This is really delicate. There are chances of harming them and making a hole if you don’t give enough carefulness. So please be sure to be extra cautious when cleaning the speaker’s cones. The materials sued for the cones are really soft. They can easily punch a hole if not being enough cautious. So the best way would be to use a compressed air can and use it to blow out clean up. Simply use it to get rid of any grime or dirt in the area.

For deeper cleaning, grab a makeup brush and use gentle strokes to clean the area. You can get rid of dirt this way that a blowout cannot handle.

How to clean speakers terminals

The terminal is of speakers that are very strong-most of the time. But still, there are chances of getting dirty since the dirt and dust grow up for a long time. First of all, make sure everything is unplugged properly. You should next get a vacuum and gently blow out any dust or grime residing in the area. Using a narrow hose attachment will do the best to clean connection as well any seams. Compressed air will do no good here since that would only force dirt inside the hardware area. You can later grab a Q-tip and use it to eliminate any finer particles that remain in and around parts such as small divots, binding posts, or even spring clips.

You can use some cleaning liquid also for such areas. Try isopropyl alcohol to clean the terminals and connections. Don’t go with water-based cleaning liquid. They will harm the place. Also rubbing alcohol is a good alternative to use. But be careful enough to make the terminals dried after using them and reconnecting cables. This has the tendency to leave a residue as it evaporates.


We are always neglecting the clean-up for our precious speakers. Maybe we once in a while just wipe away the visible dirt outside the speaker. But it’s really important to do some thorough clean up inside so that you can enjoy the fun for a lifetime. So don’t wait for anything. It’s the right moment to try out a full and deep speaker clean up. If you are conscious of cleaning up, then you can buy your desirable speakers.

Last Updated: 27th Apr, 2020


Tumay Kilinc

Tumay Kilinc

Co-founder of Reviews By People. I'm here to make your buying decisions easier and save you time. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below.


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